If you are suffering from incontinence, you may have already tried to do the recommended "kegel exercises". However, many women quickly become disillusioned as they either cannot decide if they are carrying them out correctly, or results can be so slow to materialise that they give up.
An effective alternative is to use a pelvic floor toner. There are various types available and all have been proven to be more effective than trying to exercise on an empty vagina. Indeed, when Dr Kegel devised his now famous set of exercises, he never intended that they should be done on an empty vagina and he produced his own pelvic floor toner. Over the years, this fact has somehow been forgotten, and many face the frustration of often fruitless kegel exercises.
The lack of motivation often leads to further deterioration, with many women progressing from slight urine leakage to flooding and at this stage, many women quite rightly feel that their quality of life has significantly lessened to warrant repair surgery.
A pelvic floor toner can be used to stop incontinence even in cases where the urine loss is severe. However, the results will not be instant and the amount of work required is dependent on both the degree of incontinence and the type of pelvic floor toner selected.
An increasingly popular option are the electronic pelvic floor toners. These work by delivering electrical impulses directly to the weakened muscles, making them contract automatically. Indeed, within one short exercise session, an electronic toner can induce the equivalent of thousands of "manual" contractions which would take hours to do-even if women had the endurance to carry them out.
A typical pelvic floor toner has two parts-a probe and a battery operated hand-held control. These are either connected by a wire or some versions are wireless. Most will have various pre-set programs to help with various degrees of incontinence. The probe is inserted into the vagina and a pre-determined program is selected. The woman can then relax whilst the device does the work. Many women will sit and read or watch TV for the few minutes which the program takes. Ideally, a woman should use a pelvic floor toner twice a day for best results and once incontinence is cured, around 5 times a week for "maintenance", as like any other muscle, if the pelvic muscles are not exercised, they will quickly lose strength
Some women will begin to notice a slight improvement in their ability to hold in urine within just a couple of weeks, with a large number seeing significant changes within 6 weeks. With proper, controlled use, as recommended, the majority of women will be cured completely within 6 months.
There is no doubt at all that using a pelvic floor toner gives much better results that trying to perform kegel exercises manually. If you are trying to improve your pelvic tone and would like to see some of the best pelvic exercisers available in the UK, you may like to visit my website, Pelvic Floor Toners.
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