domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

HP Toner Refill Kits - Budget Alternative to OEM Replacement Cartridges

Ever wished that you could pump out more toner from what has been supplied with an OEM toner cartridge? Whenever the cartridge unit runs out of toner supply; this would not only imply a momentary interruption of queued print jobs but also require the shell out of a few hundred dollars, just to get a replacement. Well, the user can choose to stock up on toner cartridges but then that can be quite an expensive practice.

A brand new 82X replacement toner cartridge for the HP Laserjet 8100 series printer would cost the user around $220. Given the output's crisp, clear resolution and yield potential of 20,000 pages, it would be rather easy to justify the pricing and consequently accept the fact that good quality does not come cheap. Nevertheless, paying $200 for a toner cartridge is still a hefty price to pay; especially for home users who utilize the printer for practical applications only.

While it's not possible to draw out more toner from an already toner exhausted cartridge; the cartridge unit can actually be recycled to extend its serviceable life for another printing cycle. What many OEM toner cartridge users don't know is that a used toner cartridge has only been extinguished of its toner supply. Its components meanwhile have not yet worn out and therefore remain operative to withstand 3 more printing cycles. So just how do you extend the life of a toner cartridge - given the facts?

The answer lies with the aftermarket for printer consumables. Ever heard about toner refill kits? Third party manufacturers have, for more than 10 years, developed refill toner products that are 100% compatible with pertinent OEM cartridges and laser printers. Say for the HP 82X toner cartridge, the unit's toner hopper or chamber can now be replenished with a compatible toner product - particularly the HP Laserjet 8100 toner refill kit, after its toner supply has been extinguished.

So what are the perks of using a refill toner? Topping the list is of course its affordable pricing! The same gram load of compatible toner is being retailed for less than $20. Compare that to the $200 you pay for the replacement cartridge and you've got yourself a real budget treat.

But now, don't think that its pricing reflects poor quality and performance. The truth is that the refill toner can actually match the resolution delivered by the OEM toner in its output as well as its yield. Moreover, the entire replenishment process will only take as much as 5 minutes to complete. It's that easy! The refill package also includes an instructional material to help you go through the process without any hitches. If that's not enough, reputable refill toner vendors operate customer service hotlines that serve after sales inquiries and troubleshooting concerns, among others.

So if you want to extend the life of your HP 82X toner cartridge, get an HP 8100 toner refill kit today.

An online entrepreneur of more than 10 years, Steve Maul recommends Laser Tek Services, Inc's superior line of toner refill kits. Get guaranteed savings of as much as 90% off your printer supplies budget from the high quality toner refill kits of

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